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Waking 10 New Sugar Factory, Agriculture Minister Optimistic Indonesia Amran Soon Self-Sufficiency

Blitar – Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman said he was delighted his side in encouraging investment efforts bore fruit sugar. Target of President Joko Widodo to build 10 new sugar mills for five years was completed implemented.

“Alhamdulillah 10 sugar mills have been achieved. Before we can produce white sugar as much as 2.5 million tons. While shortcomings 300-500 thousand tons. We are targeting to produce an additional 1 million tons. If this can all be done optimally, then we will soon be self-sufficient in white sugar, “said Amran during a working visit to the Sugar Factory Sweet Indo Rejoso, Blitar, on Wednesday (09/10/2019).

Amran efforts to develop the national sugar industry does not stop there. Over the next five years, he made sure the Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture) will continue to encourage the development of other sugar factories, mainly to meet the needs of industrial sugar.

“For refined sugar, had to build 10-15 new sugar mills again in the next five years. If that was done, then Indonesia will be self-sufficient in white sugar and refined sugar, “he explained.

Amran told him that his efforts in building a new sugar factory is facing many obstacles. In fact, he says there are still those who doubt the ability of the farm production as well as new sugar factories are in operation.

“Obstacles are many, but we should be optimistic. For example, there were protests that the land in Bombana not feasible. But it proved to be the production of 140 tons, “said Amran.

Ministry of Agriculture today is focused on the development of sugar cane in the fields suboptimal, such as dry land in Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi and wetlands Ogan Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra.

Amran have  message to the local government to keep the new sugar mills in operation this. “We have to facilitate and to help so that investors willing to invest in our country. Do not hostility. If there is one, we tell. But do not be an enemy, “he said.

The cooperative attitude that seeks transmitted Amran Apartur to the local government is not without reason kuat.Apalagi presence of a sugar factory Sugar Factory Sweet Indo believed Amran Rejoso can drive the economy of the surrounding community.


Source : Minstry of Agriculture

Language : Bahasa Indonesia